How to Leverage Instagram for Your Small Business Without the Frustration

If you’re overcomplicating Instagram for business, keep reading!

As an Instagram strategist for small business owners, it’s my job to pick up on trends. 

Not only do I notice what’s happening in social media, but also the small business community as a whole.

Friend, what I’m about to say might sting a little, but it’s important, so stick with me. I’ve noticed you have a negative mindset when it comes to Instagram. 

You’re angry because you spend a lot of time creating content that doesn’t perform well. You over-complicate the process and focus too much on the numbers. You prioritize the wrong things, which makes you forget why you’re on the platform.

The result? Frustration, confusion, and an “I give up” attitude. 

It doesn’t have to be this way! 

I’ve coached hundreds of business owners on how to leverage Instagram in a way that turns a profit without stress and frustration.

Read on to get the tried and true strategy I use with my clients and Social Squad Society members to help them ditch the Instagram stress and feel good about social media again.

Why Instagram?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s review why Instagram is still the best way to grow a community around your brand. 

According to Hootsuite, Instagram has more than 2 billion active monthly users that spend an average of 11.7 hours/month on the platform. 😮

(That’s a lot of potential eyeballs on your business!) 

It’s also the #1 social media platform people use to connect with brands. “What exactly this means may be open to interpretation, but it certainly shows that people interested in your brand expect to find you on Instagram,” according to Hootsuite. 

Lastly, you should know Hootsuite reports that 35% of users will make a purchase on Instagram in 2023. 

So how can you leverage Instagram without losing your cool in the process? Keep reading.

Step 1: Find Your Minimum

Whenever I work with a new client, I ask them to find their minimum first.

How can you find your minimum? First, take a look at your life, your schedule, and your bandwidth. 

If you’re a mom of 3 with a full-time job and a side hustle, I’m willing to bet you don’t have time to brush your hair every day – much less post to Instagram.

So instead of making “post every day” your goal, figure out how much time you can spend on Instagram and then stick to that. If that means you can only post to your grid once a week and to Stories 3 times a day, great! 

And remember: Instagram is essentially five social media platforms rolled into one, so you don’t have to use all of the features to be successful!

Related: Need help figuring out exactly which parts of Instagram to prioritize? Check out my Find Your Minimum Challenge.

Step 2: Remember Your Primary Goal

Do you really know what you’re trying to accomplish on Instagram? In business?

Are you promoting a new offer? Growing your email list? Your community? 

Before you create a single piece of content, you need to know the end game. And when the goal changes, the content changes, too. 

Once you get clear on your goal, you can be more intentional when you create content and ignore the temptation to focus on the vanity metrics that often leave you frustrated with Instagram.

Step 3: Redefine Success

Instagram success does not equal business success. 

So repeat after me: “The amount of followers I have or Reels views I get has nothing to do with the success of my business.” 

If I had a dollar for every time a client or Social Squad Society member took down a post because it “didn’t perform well,” I’d be richer than a Kardashian.

If you don’t remember anything else from this post, remember this: You can be a fantastic business owner with only 100 views on your Reels. You can be a smart and savvy entrepreneur and only have 200 followers. 

So these numbers shouldn’t be your primary focus! 

But what should you prioritize instead? That depends on your goal! But here’s how I determine success: if ONE person comments, “I needed to hear this,” then I know it’s good. 

In other words, I don’t worry about the numbers – I focus on the connection.

Step 4: Create Your *Own* Strategy

There is not a one-size-fits-all Instagram strategy (despite what many “gurus”  tell you).

Because sure, posting every day might grow your account, but will it grow your business? Do you see conversions from the daily content you post?

My advice is to do what’s best for you and marry it with the actions that convert and help you reach your business goals. 

For example, if Reels do the best job of helping you meet your goals (and you enjoy making them), do more of those and do less of everything else. 

Bottom line? There are many ways to grow on Instagram. Every business and every account is different, so do what works for YOU!

Step 5: Ditch the Pressure

Clients and Social Squad Society members often ask me for advice when their engagement rate is down or they feel frustrated about Instagram. 

What’s the first thing I ask? “How’s business going?”

If they’re booked and busy, or their products fly off the shelves, I tell them not to sweat Instagram too much. 

And remember: Instagram should be the fun part of marketing. 

If you love Instagram but aren’t sure how to make it work for your business, hire a consultant or join the Social Squad Society.

If you don’t enjoy it, outsource it! That could mean hiring a social media manager, copywriter, and/or videographer. Take the pressure off by eliminating what you don’t enjoy.

Let’s Wrap This Up

Listen, I don’t want a social media app to ruin your day or cause you to give up on your dream altogether.

Reframe your mindset and use Instagram as a tool, not a measure of your success as a business owner. 

So remember, when Instagram stresses you out …

1. Find your minimum 

2. Remember your primary goal

3. Redefine success

4. Create your own strategy

5. Remove the pressure

And if you need help creating a strategy you can finally stick with that makes all your hard work on the app worth it, check out my Instagram Strategy Made Simple course. 

In less than 2 hours, you’ll go from novice Instagrammer to developing a complete strategy that actually converts. 

And, as always, if you have questions, reach out or DM me on Instagram. I’m HAPPY to help!

Emily Schwalbach